This was kind of a rough day but when I stepped off of the plane and into the Honolulu airport it was all worth it. It was a perfect day to leave because it had been snowing and was around 19 degrees. I felt the warmth as soon as I stepped off the plane and I saw beautiful scenery out of the window as I carried Isabella, my two carry ons and her car seat. I know we looked...haggard? You see, I had already messed up by staying up too late packing Bailey and Samantha's bag, mine, Isabella's, and making sure the house was all clean. Then I ended up sleeping through my alarm. I did make it on time but it was a good thing there weren't any long lines. I didn't really think the whole 2 carry-ons, a car seat (that I could only check on the plane since she was a lap child), and a baby thing through. By the time I was going to get on my next flight my shoulders were thoroughly sore! Thankfully there were a lot of friendly people along the way that wanted to help me including an angel God sent, a man from my church who happened to be on our flight that walked a long way with us at DFW carrying the car seat and bags) . We had a short flight to Dallas and had a couple of hours before my connection flight to Honolulu at 12:50 p.m. our time. We made it there at 5:20 (Honolulu time, they were 4 hours behind us). So, that was a long flight. I was already worried about Isabella because she has been having some issues with her bowels and the doctor said it should just go away as it came. I had Bella in the baby Bjorn and knew that was the only way I'd catch any sleep at all (I got about 3 hours). You can imagine my horror when I smelled something and looked down and saw that Isabella had gone to the bathroom all down her pants, onto her socks and shoes. You can imagine how much more horrendus it was when I saw it on me, on my seatbelt, and the airplane seat. I was exhausted on top of all this. Not to mention I thought we were getting a meal included with our flight and I learned it was going to be $10 for a sandwich plate and all we had was snacks and had only snacked before we got on this long flight. I had the money but I refused to pay it for the sandwich but looking back I should have. So, anyway, I went to inform a flight attendant that I cleaned up the seat but it needed to be sanitized. They told me that they didn't have sanitizer and informed that they had smelled a baby. I went on to the bathroom to one-handedly clean her and me holding her mid-air. Dana had told me planes don't have baby changers so I didn't even look for one. Then I had to clean the floor from cleaning her mid-air and put her clothes in sacks. I was in there for probably 20 minutes. Embarrassing! And when I finished cleaning everything up I looked right in front of me and saw a baby changer on the wall! I thought, "Man!!!" And, oh yes, I thought of how I had trusted Dana so. ;) Isabella rode the rest of the flight half dressed. I was smelly, dirty, and had to keep touching the disgusting seat belt that I had cleaned as best I could with baby wipes. In this we did have some really good snacks. Before we left DFW I had gotten a really good smoothie (Blueberry Heaven), some warm, fat, salty cashews, and a breakfast mix (banana chips, cranberries, cinnamon, graham...) Also, I got to read a little bit and listened to a few recordings of Way of the Master radio show (one of which aired Paul Washer, awesome!) and that was nice. When I got off the plane I headed straight for the bathroom to freshen us up (me only as much as possible as I didn't have my bag of clothes). As I said, it was all worth it when I stepped off that plane. Derrick cheerfully greeted us with a sweet look on his face that said he felt sorry for me. When he was hugging me I told him he didn't want to touch me and as much as I wanted to hide my weariness I know he saw it. He told me to sit down and went and got my suitcase and pack & play. When we got in the rental car he opened up the glove box and said, "I already got you something." It was a beautiful real pearl (pink, irredescent) and silver bracelet. I loved it. He told me we were going to stay in a beach cottage on an Air Force base that was right there on the beach the next day. We drove and I saw the beautiful mountains and he told me about how they had to cut through the mountain on the highway and we went through the tunnel. I loved it. Then we went to the Marine base (he had gotten an upgrade for me so we didn't have to share a bathroom with anyone and it was a "suite" with a living room) he was staying on and I changed my clothes. Then we went and got dinner. I got chinese food and he got Subway. We tried to rent a movie but the place was closing down and they weren't opening new accounts so we had to actually buy the movie for only a quarter more than it cost to rent it! It was a low key night but I needed it after that flight and it was really 4 hours ahead where I had just come from! The craziness didn't end there and I began to think, "What next?!" My perfume had spilled over onto my toothbrush so when I went to brush my teeth that night I was in for a strong surprise! My breath must have smelled nice! I was so delirious that I was cracking up about it. The next morning I was on the phone with my mom when Derrick walked in with breakfast and coffee. He tripped over something with the baby being in the way of the door and he spilled his coffee all in my bag on my things and on him. He didn't want anything to drop on the baby and he was juggling and a muffin flew to the floor which she proceeded to grab & smash on the floor! He did manage to save my chocolate donut though.