Without the Rain
Can you just imagine
Life without the rain
Not having the beautiful scent to indulge in
A world without roses or the sugar cane
The lightning and the thunder showing the mightiness of God, so great
The wind blowing through your hair
The sweetness of a child, upon hearing the thunder, running to your bed so late
The way it makes the trees sound
Dancing in it as a child
The way it sounds through the window as the drops hit the ground
At times intense, others mild
Some say they don't like the rain
Blind to the beauty of a thunderstorm
But what if they knew it may be their last rain...
The last they ever felt a drop on their skin, so warm...
Ever heard...
Ever that they'd see?
What if they got the word
That they'd shortly step into eternity?
There are storms of a different kind, the storms of life
We don't like to welcome the pain...
The strife
He, the Almighty, brings us the rain
And sometimes it is the only way we gain
For without the rain, nothing will grow
Without the rain, there will be no rainbow
For the earth it is the grass, the flowers, the trees...
A storm raging in our hearts brings us to our knees
It is on our knees that we learn we are not our own
We are His
Nothing matters more than this
Without our rain, our pain
We would surely remain
In our sin...
Lost within
But now, because of the rain, broken... undone
With a new heart, a new life just begun
The rain clears
A soul stills
Life, a precious gem
Now poured out for Him...
For Him
For my father-in-law, with love, who is cherishing every thunderstorm