My friend Jenni's husband has joked when he gets to heaven he's going to say, "June Bugs, God? Really?!" I don't mind June Bugs so much but it's cockroaches and spiders that I question the most. I could definitely live my whole life and never seen one of those again and be just fine. Our house backs up to the woods so we see all kinds of little critters and bugs around here. At our old house we only had little baby trees that Derrick had just planted so we had to walk down the street to find twigs, leaves, rocks, and things for our science ! projects. We have plenty of science projects around the new house! We had the "bug man" out the other day so the kids have been collecting all the dying bugs. It makes me a little sad to see the cute, little lightning bugs dying and flashing their tiny lights. Bailey actually got "stung" by a dying wasp that he accidentally touched!

One picture is of the lightning bugs that the kids collected with a little bowl that was in my birthday present from Aunt Kay Kay. ;) The other one is just yuck!
*Also, I wanted to record something that was hilarious that Isabella did at the doctor yesterday. It is probably not near as funny not being able to hear her adorable voice saying it. I wish I could capture her voice in a box and keep it forever because it is the cutest.
We were sitting in the waiting room and Isabella said, "Mama! His pants are broken!" I tried to quiet her. Then I waited until it wasn't so obvious that I was turning and looking. There was a teenage boy sitting behind us with a huge, gaping hole in the knee of his jeans. It was hilarious to me that she thought they were "broken"! Sometimes I cannot contain myself and this is one of those moments that I had to laugh out loud but discreetly so no one noticed.