I thought it was so funny when she said, "More bang for your buck!" So true. I liked this. The only thing I'm not exactly sure of is what she meant by environmental footprint.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
6 Reasons to Have 6 Kids
Sunday, March 23, 2014
From Spunky Molly, Derrick's Cousin's Wife
Update to Sick, Sicker, Sickest
After that I accidentally ate something that was supposed to be gluten free but definitely wasn't!! I got the familiar burning and itching on my hands and the symptoms progressed into terrible nausea and I was waiting for the usual horrendous stomach pain. I prayed, ,"Oh, God! I don't feel like I can handle this right now. Please lighten the symptoms!" It was getting bad and I was about to get a pillow to camp out in the bathroom. Overwhelming exaustion came over me as if I had taken a sleeping pill. I went back to bed and actually slept the rest of the night. Usually a gluten attack keeps me up for about 4 hours with stomach pain and other symptoms that are so unbearable and cannot be slept through. I was so thankful for that and thanked the Lord the next morning. After that, I came down with a cold and so far have passed it on to Cam and Sam. ;-) I am hoping that this is the end!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Sick, Sicker, and Sickest
"It all started with that shoe on the wall. A shoe on the wall shouldn't be there at all!" Wacky Wednesday
No, really, it started with Bella. It started with Bella vomiting in the car and at the zoo! That's when the series of random events began a progression that has yet to end. Always when Derrick leaves. Like the time he deployed to Cuba for 6 months. That's when the house literally fell to pieces when the ice storm hit and the wall and floor had to be ripped out and redone, the kids managed to bust the porcelain lid of the toilet (They don't sell lids alone but after prayer I wasn't above knocking on someone's door and asking for the lid on the one they had set out as if the trash man would take it!), the car broke down, the tubing to the refrigerator busted and sprayed ALL. over. the kitchen floor that had just dried so they could begin on the new one AND into the spaghetti I had told the neighbor I was bringing over for dinner, me running out into the snow barefoot with the baby on my hip because I didn't know what was happening.
Let's not forget the alarm going off and the police coming to my house at 5 in the morning! Every time I turned the corner something new would happen. I finally began to laugh and delirium set in as I asked, "What next?! This is just funny now!" You can be for sure that I believe the Lord uses these kind of things in my life to deepen my appreciation for my husband and all the things he takes care of!
Day 1- So, it wasn't long after Bella that I realized this was happening again. After Derrick left I remember thinking things were going okay...for a couple of days. That same night Bella managed to cause my garage door to collide into the back hatch of my car. Broken. Off the track. Overwhelming and no Derrick to call to! Well, called him on the phone...He did help from afar and sent my father-in-law (who is always willing and there)to the rescue! I was thankful that we got the car out and the garage door closed and tied up for the night. Day 2- $90 to the garage repairman and Livi vomiting all day long! 11 times to be exact! Sometimes she made it to the toilet, trash can, or bowl and sometimes she didn't. The last 2 times it was red, like blood, and she was sçaring me saying her head hurt and making awful noise when she threw up. I panicked and called my gma to come watch the kids so I could take her to e.r. I feel terrible that she ended up getting it too. :( On the way to e.r. I realized I had given her RED Tylenol and had only thought of the color of her food (very little) and drink. So, we went and picked up some Zofran the dr prescribed her and went back home. Day 3- The boys threw up from 3:30 -5:30 a.m.! You can imagine what that's like with a 1 year old. Day 4- I threw up 9 times! After a couple of days I thought I was getting better and then took a turn for the worse. I got dehydrated and water would go straight through me every time I drank. I was extremely nauseous and crazy weak. My mother and father-in-law took the kids to cousin Sadie's birthday party and brought me french fries, Powerade, and Pedialyte. I felt life coming back to me! The next morning I felt the overwhelming nausea and weakness again. All day long the Pedialyte and Powerade went straight through me. Lili took the boys for me and Gigi took the girls. My friend, Karla, a precious soul, brought me a bunch of Pedialyte, Gatorade, and Powerade and drove me to the e.r. She stayed with me the whole time and we had wonderful conversation. I honestly wouldn't take the sickness away for the sweet time we had! I was given I.v. fluids and felt much better. When I came home I discovered Cam had fever and pink eye! The first day home from the e.r. I made a mistake. I woke up feeling good so I was so excited to be sweeping, mopping, cleaning, folding... I accomplished much! By 1, I was growing dizzy. By 4, I was very dizzy and weak. Almost as weak as I was a couple of days earlier when it took all the energy I had to lift a drink to my lips. My body is telling me to rest. Through this experience I am learning, I have my plans but the Lord has His. Maybe soon I'll be able to tackle that mountain of laundry...but for now I'm taking it easy. Once again, Derrick was a huge help from afar and gave the kids a pep talk about helping out and cleaning the house. He mentioned me getting some ice cream for them soon. Then, like busy little bees, they got to work!
Several Ways to Make Yourself Miserable by Elisabeth Elliot
Learning This
This precious mama said it very well!