Derrick picked out "Winter Snowflake" at the animal shelter and we were able to surprise the kids with her for Christmas when Bella opened her "last gift." We kept her in our room for 2 days before Christmas and locked the door at all times. She and Noah (his crib is in our room) bonded so sweetly during that time. She is a Birman and is such a very sweet and silky soft cat! She is one of the best cats with such a great nature. We are so thankful for her as she has been s wonderful addition to our family. :)~Bella's pick
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Gift #18 The Pool
We are thankful to have our pool. We have been vigilant to keep everyone safe with the pool. Cameron was even standing right next to me on the steps and stepped down and went under. I grabbed him up so fast but it seemed like slow motion. We are putting layers of safety up and having strict rules with it. Praying at the dinner table, Cameron still thinks of the incident. Last night he prayed, "...Thank you for me not falling in the pool and keeping me safe." ~Sam's pick
Thursday, January 7, 2016
SO very true!
The gospel shows us a God far more holy than a legalist can bear and yet more merciful than a humanist can conceive.
~Timothy Keller
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Live Life to the Hilt: Delighting and Loving
Live Life to the Hilt: Billy Graham's devotional for today
Monday, January 4, 2016
Deuteronomy 32:18
God said this to the Israelites when they turned from Him to false idols (demons that were no gods):
"You were unmindful of the Rock that bore you, and you forgot the God who gave you birth."
God is the "Rock" that bore us and gave us birth. I love that!