Getting closer and closer each day! The baby moves around like crazy with huge movements. I really enjoy getting to feel that. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow! I’m very excited to go into labor (most likely be induced although I’d much rather go on my own) and meet the baby! It’s fun to stare at the boy and girl clothes wondering which we will be using. With the dr wanting to induce at 39 weeks, it looks like it will just be a couple of weeks. However, I’m going to try and push it as far as I can up to my due date. Many of the cousins fall into the 20s along with some of ours and we have some dates that would be fun to add to that pattern. Caden- the 22nd, Bailey-23rd, 24- no one yet, 25- Mia and Noah, Pai-26th, and the 27th would be another good one to fill. Today I took the kids up to Derrick’s base to get free school supplies and Derrick took us out to lunch at Los Cabos. It was a fun day!
On August 9th, the baby was estimated to weigh 7.1.