Here he is dabbling into photography but the other day at church he was sitting with Derrick and me listening to our youth pastor when he said, "Mom, when I get bigger, I want to speak up there. I will be serious then." This picture of Samantha is her attempt at taking a picture of US (Bay & me)! It was pretty funny! She had the camera turned around toward herself!
Hey Amber...You've got a great photographer there! How's homeschooling going? We're gearing up to start next week...=) Of course, we did have our nature study today at Woodward Park...you need any tadpoles? I know where you could get a few! =)
I forget that my name comes up as "Tuesday"...There was a time when I wanted to change my name to Tuesday...it never happened, but I did end up with a lovely nickname, complete with a last name...
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