Derrick took some time off and we have been having a nice break together. We went to the cousins, have been shopping, of course laying around having "movie nights." We borrowed an adult version (not the animated version) of Pilgrim's Progress from my brother and we are going to watch, Nero. I was laying on Derrick's legs resting last night and Derrick had called Samantha out of bed since the others were asleep. He said to her, "What's she doing? Sleeping on my legs?" She said, "I think she thinks they're pillows!" and cackled. We've had a couple of days of really awesome weather too. Today, we took the kids around the neighborhood. Derrick & Bay rode their bikes and Sam rode her bike (with my help) and I pulled Isabella in the wagon. Isabella loved it! Her eyes brightened and she smiled so big. Celebrating Christmas was so much fun, but for us, the fun is not over yet! My sister-in-law had gotten sick and my father-in-law has to be careful (new liver)so we postponed our celebration at my father-in-laws until the 1st. We got some exciting news and will be getting a new sister-in-law this next year. Jaared proposed to Stephanie! Of course, we all love her so we are excited!
Remember how I mentioned that the movie, Fireproof, is one of the greatest movies? Well, after we watched it I told Dana that I wished there really was a book like The Love Dare. She said, "There is. It's called, The Love Dare." I had no idea but it is written by the Kendricks' brothers (they wrote the movie). Derrick got it for me for Christmas. Derrick reads this blog so I can't say when I am doing it or give details but I can say this... It is a great book! If you do what the first day asks you to do ALONE(Don't say anything negative to your spouse at all)it has an amazing impact on your marriage. I think one of the neat things about the book is that you are more conscious of how you act or react and you're actually thinking about it daily. I love all the scripture and biblical principles! I also like the challenge of it. They say you have to be resolved and you have to lead your heart and not let it lead you.
Hallelujah – Psalm 116
7 years ago