1. I once wore red glasses. And I thought they were cool.
2. I once called the News out to tape me rapping in a batman shirt. They actually came-you should see the tape!
3. I was so prissy in middle school and high school that it took me longer to get ready than it took my sister. (Don't worry, Ryan, I won't mention the concealer or tweezers.)
4. I once had an 80's model Grand Prix that I ran all the hubcaps off of. I was so wreckless with this car that my friends and I had to tie the passenger door with ropes to get the door to stay closed and any passengers had to climb in from the driver's side.
5. I once screeched this car to a halt (when I wouldn't let my sister listen to her tape and threw it out the window) so I could get the tape of mine she had thrown out to reciprocate.
6. I used to think I was my sister's father and was extremely overprotective but, at the same time, had no qualms with throwing a basketball at her head to get her off the phone.
7. I married someone that everyone said looked like my sister even though I had called her "ugly" all those years.
8. My sister actually hand-picked my wife out for me. (Could you imagine had she not?!)
9. I used to be depraved, lost.
10. Until God drew me to Himself, gave me a new heart, made my sister wonder what in the world happened to me? I used to pray for her, I lovingly told her what God had done for her. That He had sent Jesus. I talked to her of putting her trust in Him and of turning from her ways. That man would fail her every time and God was the only faithful one. I gave her a Bible, lots of Christian books, and magazines. She didn't really want them but politely took them until one day she opened the Bible up and all at once, she understood...God would forgive her for things she couldn't forgive herself for. She fell in love. God gave her a new heart too. She understood my passion. She understood why I loved Him so much. We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 Glad I was faithful to reach out, tell her, & pray. Thank you, Ryan. Thank you for "pulling me from the flames". I know you were just God's instrument, but thank you, thank you, thank you.
#10 is so sweet it made me cry! I would say that is a little more embarrassing than what he did to you. You did mention tweezers and concealer! Ouch.
Ouch! I think I should have let him mention the moustache. Oops! #10 is very sweet. Now I hope you two can start acting like the loving siblings I know you are. Love, Mom
Watch out, mom, lest you be next!
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