Monday, March 9, 2009

"Asgusting" Dogwood Trees

We've started a Sunday ritual of going to Mazzio's sometimes after church in the morning or sometimes after church at night. We love their salad bar. This past Sunday night we were walking in and Derrick commented on the Dogwood trees there and how they were his favorite scent of the Spring. I began thinking, "I didn't even know Dogwoods have a smell & hasn't he ever smelled roses, peonies, tulips..." He and Bailey snapped some little pieces from the tree and handed me one of them. I smelled it because I had to smell this scent they supposedly had. Well, in my opinion, it was not a pleasant smell. Sorry, Derrick! ;) On the way home Bailey had his piece of Dogwood in his hand and he smelled it. I heard him say, "Mom, this smells asgusting!" Seriously, if you have never smelled a Dogwood tree before, you should! Or, really, you shouldn't! I feel like I just "dogged" Derrick!;) I know what he means- the smell of Spring. I love everything about Spring, including my birthday! Last year I posted about how our little trees are Derrick's babies and he diligently waters them and cares for them. Of course, one of these trees is a Dogwood. The blossoms though? Beautiful.

*Oops! Derrick informed me the ones in bloom right now are Bradford Pears, not Dogwoods.

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