This is from a Rachael Ray cookbook (thank you, Barb!). The kids and I made it last night and they were so yummy I made some more tonight. Last night we used Fugi apples (I think) and tonight Granny Smith. I have yet to taste them though because I was interrupted by a trip to the emergency room when I was in the middle of making them!
Well, the kids were "practicing golf" in the backyard because Derrick and Bailey are going to go golfing with some guy friends from church & one of their sons (about Bay's age) in the morning. They were playing with Derrick's set that I THOUGHT Bay had permission to play with. Bailey got in the way of one of Samantha's swings and the next thing I knew (here I was coring my apples in the kitchen) was that Bailey was crying a cry that sounded very serious. When I looked out the back door at him I saw a whole bunch of blood coming from his head! It was very scary! I called Derrick for help and he took the part of wiping the blood. There was blood all over Bailey's shirt, some on his shorts, some on the floor, and the bib I grabbed in a panic and gave to Derrick. Then I gave him one of those little boo boo stuffed animals you keep in the freezer to hold on it. Samantha was so sad and crying and wanted to make sure we knew it was an accident and he was "in her way!" Samantha, Bailey, and I headed to the emergency room. At the emergency room (Bailey Medical Center) the doctor decided he needed a couple of stitches and said the dermabond (glue) wasn't enough to hold it.So, they put some stuff on to numb it and left it on for 20 minutes. Then, when the doctor came back he decided to dermabond it instead saying it was on the muscle that helps him frown. I wanted to say, "Oh, we don't want him to frown anymore anyway!" We stopped for a treat like we do anytime we have a trip to the emergency room! It was way past their bedtime when we got home. When we got home Bailey told Derrick, "I feel much better now!" He thanked me for "taking care of him" and ran to his room to get a surprise for me (One of his stuffed animals. ;) ) On the way there he was not feeling well and was also worried about getting a shot and stitches and if if it hurt.
So, still want that recipe for the apples? ;)
4 McIntosh apples, all about the same size (As I was typing this they came out of the oven and I have decided I like Granny Smith best...which I suspected I would).
2/3 Grape-Nuts cereal (very healthy!)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 nutmeg
2 TBS brown sugar
2 Tablespoons cold butter
1/3 chopped walnuts, a couple of handfuls (I have not made them with nuts yet but bet they'd be awesome with pecans).
2 TBS currants or raisins
Oats ( I added this part and it was really good. I didn't really measure the ingredients but added more of everything and we ended up having extra granola to eat which was really good. We just scooped it from the pan.
Preheat oven to 350. Cut an X at the stem end of each apple, then use a spoon to scoop halfway into each apple, making a cavity and removing the core. Place apples in small baking dish. Mix the cereal with the oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, butter, nuts, and currants. Stuff the cereal mixture into the apples and bake for 30 to 35 min., or until the apples are tender and the filling is brown and bubbly. Serve hot as is or top with ice cream for an upside-down apple sundae.
Note: You can make this recipe with tart and tangy Granny Smith apples, too, but you will need to bake them for 45 to 50 min. because they are much firmer apples.
Another note: If you have children have them help you make them so they are not off getting into harm's way! ;)
Hallelujah – Psalm 116
7 years ago