Yesterday Derrick called and asked what my plans were for the day. It was the last day of co-op and after lunch I had to take Isabella to the dr. I told him that I needed to hurry home so I could start cooking and cleaning for Samantha's birthday party. He said not to come home and that he would clean for me. So, we stayed gone until we met my gma Bobber and Papa Mitchell to go to dinner for my birthday (Sam's is on the 12th, mine the 9th). I unwrapped presents at their house including some yummy, yummy soap and lotion in a holder from Mikaela (Japanese Cherry Blossom from Bath and Body works). We went to Casa Bonita and that was a lot of fun. I won't tell you the embarrassing number of how many sopapillas I ate! We sat in the cave and I saw Bailey's eyes brighten when we were walking in to be seated! At one point Derrick noticed Sam was unusually quiet during dinner. We found that it was due to the fact that she had a bowl of queso in her lap and was licking it off of her fingers. She eventually dipped chips in the cheese and proceeded to just lick it off without eating the chip.
Back at home Derrick forbid me to go into our room. I knew he had a birthday surprise for me and I thought, "Oh, wow! He's painting the bathroom!" This is something he knew I really wanted. I had no idea what I was going to step into when he finally emerged (sweating) from the room he had been working so hard in. He was disappointed that he couldn't show me a finished product but said he'd be up until 5 a.m. if he finished. Before we went in he said, "Now, don't panic! There's going to be some things out of place but I know how to put them back." I marveled at the new tile he had put in and the paint. Then I said, "The toilet is in the bathtub!?" He again assured me he could put it back and apologized that I saw it unfinished. I said, "No, this is priceless to see the toilet in the bathtub and I wouldn't have wanted to miss seeing this!" Plus, I got more of a picture of how hard he worked. He went all out! I couldn't believe it when I saw the floor too. Then he showed me a whole bunch of other things like new rugs, a shower curtain and hooks, some drawers, towel hangers, a fancy shower curtain holder, a new toilet seat...He always gives me the greatest surprises! The first year of marriage he enlisted his mom and Mitchell to bring a treadmill (that he knew I really wanted) for Christmas. Not too long ago he surprised me with a new car! Now, that was fun and a very funny story too because he and the car salesman tricked me! I only wish I could surprise him with a new truck or something. I always try to win drawings for them but I think it just gives telemarketers a chance to call though! ;)
So, he was so busy with that the house never did get cleaned and I stayed up until 1 a.m. just cooking for the party. This morning I cleaned a little but didn't have time to do everything. Ryan and Dana were the first to arrive and they cleaned like crazy! Ryan did my sink of dishes! That was incredibly sweet. I went to scrub the sink and he said, "I'll do that. My hands are already dirty." They brought me a package of my favorite tea, Caramel Apple Torte (Teavana) and my gma brought some she had made too. My mom brought her yummy baked beans, a beautiful bunch of peonies (maybe they are my favorite flower. I LOVE them and the smell), and a really great present. After the party my mother-in-law cleaned the kitchen faster than I could even notice to try and stop her! I am feeling very blessed right about now! I'm sure Samantha is too! I made her a pink stawberry "princess" cake that she wanted with a tiara and princess on it. She had so much fun opening her presents and the kids had fun busting a big and pretty pink pinata. After the party we spent time playing with her presents before we rested. Tonight we will go to dinner.
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