This picture is of the "boo boos" I talked about in the last post. They had all three hit the same bump in our road one right after the other and fell off their bikes/tricycles. Isn't it terrible of me that I thought it was so funny?! Not that they got hurt, but the situation.
Right now I am going through "The Titus Two Woman Study Guide" by Pastor John Barnett. I love it and there is so so so much to apply from it. I want to share some things from it on loving our children. Maybe some time I will share some on loving our husbands too.
"A mother builds something far more magnificent than any cathedral the dwelling place for an immortal soul. No professional pursuit so uniquely combines the most menial tasks with the most meaningful opportunities." (I put an emphasis on those two words because I think we all understand! ;) )
Dorothy Patterson, one of the authors of Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
I want to summarize some of the main points:
*Express ways you want to be a deeper part of their life (monthly dates, weekly prayer studies, nightly prayer times, ongoing shared prayer list)...
I know my brother and sister-in-law often take the cousins out on a "daddy/daughter date" or "mother/son"... Derrick takes turns taking one of the kids out to breakfast to meet with his mom sometimes.
*Start a life-long prayer list with specific areas that you have learned from them need prayer, and then PRAY. Ask for updates. Celebrate answers. Pray Together. If you are not praying for them each day, who is?
He pointed out Christ's model prayer in John 17.
v.15-17- "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."
Another scripture came to my mind to pray that they would be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
*Another point is to be students of our children.
We can do this by knowing their interests. "Get into his or her world." Be lovingly persistent in communicating with your children, share activities, take the initiative in asking them questions, and listen to your children with full attention- "Let them see your eyes light up when they talk to you."
That last point I definitely want to work on by being off the phone more and by not being distracted with something else such as the dishes or something. It is sad but sometimes I may not hear my daughters voice until the 4th, "Mom."
He writes," Grace-energized-mothers love their children in a way that can be felt when they meet their needs with love: through a regular schedule of nutritious meals, clean clothes, clean bodies, adequate sleep and rest. Give them a heart that serves. And as we do so, we add to that more gifts:
Give them a heart that rejoices and is filled with happiness. Psalm 113:9 describes a 'joyful' mother.
Give them a heart that gives like Christ's (Mark 10:45): because love gives (John 3:16); because love is generous (II Cor.9:6); because love expects nothing back (Luke 6:35)
Give them a heart that plays and is full of fun.
Give them a heart that celebrates all their special days (Matthew 5:41); and since we have to do all those things in the family, why not make them special!
Give them a heart that prefers you family first (Titus 2:4 says they are your first priority).
Give them a heart that is focused (Matthew 6:24).
Give them a heart that is present and attentive (Psalm 119:10 'my whole heart').
Give them a heart that trusts in the Lord (Isaiah 26:3 'perfect peace trusts')."
Oh, how I long to have perfect peace from trusting in the Lord, especially when it comes to the lives of my children. Oh, how I often I fail in this area. Fearing is not trusting in the sovereignty of the Lord. Maybe, Lordwilling, one day I will get better at trusting instead of fearing. Sometimes I think that I think it is in my control how my children turn out rather than in the Lord's control. How overwhelming, especially seeing how imperfect I am! He may use this broken vessel (me) in the lives of my children but they are ultimately not in my hands. They are in His. Remind me of this from time to time, would you?
"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You." Isaiah 26:3