I'm pretty sure if these babies weren't in there own daddy's arms that one could still tell who they belonged to!
The picture of the older cousins in the tub is actually the night I went into labor with Livi. We watched them that night. We ate dinner out on the picnic table and took them down the street to ride bikes and play. Just before midnight that night I was eating some fried potatoes, I think. I hadn't had a lick of contractions except for earlier on in the pregnancy and thought I remembered always having the warning of contractions.I was just reading one of my old pregnancy journals and realized I really didn't have very many with one of the other babies & realized I didn't necessarily have to. I thought to myself, "I better get to bed! What IF I went into labor anyway? That would not be good to not be well rested." Of course, I truly didn't expect to go into labor and was always telling people, "My babies never come early!" Sam came on time, Bay was 5 days late, and Bella 2 days late. The girls even had due dates that got moved up a week on top of that! This day was 6 days before my due date. You can imagine my surprise when my water broke just one hour after I had been in bed at 1:00 a.m.! I couldn't believe it. I told Derrick, "I'm not ready for this! I haven't rested! I haven't packed!" He said, "Shouldn't you have done that a couple of weeks ago?" I said, "My babies never come early!" In actuality, I really have had my hospital bag packed way early but we had just moved out of one house and into another one and I had been focusing on getting the new house in order before the baby came. Add on top of that I had to pack bags for 3 children. Derrick wanted to be of more help but I knew what I wanted and needed and ran around packing, which was a bit tricky with broken water. Anyway, it was a fun night with the cousins. Two of mine and one of the cousins flew off their bikes or tricycle all three right in a row that night. Derrick had all three of them sitting next to each other crying as he bandaged them up (maybe if I find the picture we took of it I can put it on here). Then they all hopped in the whirlpool bath with their swimsuits on. What an exciting day!
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