Bay wanted to have a birthday party at G-ma Bobber and Papa Mitchell's lakehouse so we had two different parties for him. Thank you G-ma Sue, Aunt Laura, G-ma Bobber & all that came and made it so special. He turned 7! I can't believe it. We stayed there with the cousins for a couple of days. It was so much fun and we ate out a couple of times. We went to a Mexican restaurant that had the best fajitas. Thank you for sharing your lakehouse with us, Gma and Papa!
I grabbed these pictures off of Dana's blog! We had the cousins over for the 4th of July. We were going to go to a fireworks show after we ate and did some fireworks at our house but we never left!
"Let there be no doubt: A legacy is a very, very powerful thing. Let there be no doubt about this either: You too will leave a legacy. Truly, it’s not a question of if you will leave a legacy, it is only a matter of what kind. Long after your body is laid to rest, the impact of your life will continue to spread throughout your community and your world. Never forget that your legacy will be felt most strongly by those closest to you: your family." Ken Ham in his book, Raising Godly Children in An UnGodly World
Hey there! I’m Amber Hildebrant, my husband is Derrick, and our children are: Bailey, Samantha, Isabella (Bella),Olivia (Livi), Cameron, and Noah, and Willa.
Swimming Lesson Time
We are back to swimming lessons at a neighbor’s pool this summer.
Christopher’s children are doing beginner lessons for the first time.
Nathan’s children h...
Thief! Thief! Somebody stop that thief! :)
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