While I was cleaning I actually saw a sticker stuck to the kitchen chair under Bella's highchair that said, "Wow!" I thought to myself, "Yeah, that's what I was just thinking." Actually, I can't say if "Yuck!" or "Wow!" was my first thought. Dried milk and crumbs waiting to be scrubbed... I had taken her chair off to clean it. Right now I am working on coming up with a schedule so that I can just do the next thing when I can't even think straight. Things like cleaning the high chair, the car out, refrigerator, laundry, lesson plans for school, my closet!!!...I could go on and on. I heard that having a schedule helps a lot when you are having a rough day and it helps you not to waste time. A friend said that if she is having a hard day she just does the next thing and even though she doesn't feel so great she can still say something like, "But, wow! Atleast my dishes are done!" I already have a rough schedule but I'm talking about a detailed one. It takes me a long time at the grocery store even when I don't have the kids with me but I made a menu and list of things I needed and got out of Target with 46 items in less than 25 minutes the other night. That is really good for me! I'm the kind of person that has to smell everything (like soap, shampoo...)and think everything through and have gotten in a bad habit of going without much of a list and just get whatever recipes are already in my head. I even saved money the other night when I saw I could use some of the same ingredients in another meal that I ended up putting on my menu. People often ask what its like having 4 children. I often say, "Easier than having 3 and being pregnant." It is nice to have my energy back. Nonetheless, no matter how many children I've had having a schedule and being organized when I have stuck to it has always helped. Also, the more children we've had I think the more we've tried to "step it up" in training them whether it be a discipline issue or training them to help out around the house because you know you just have to! Thankfully, Derrick has been good to train them with cleaning because it seems so much easier and faster to just do it on my own. But, the training may be hard at first but the blessings of it come later. Anyway, I'm really trying to come up with a schedule to help me balance my time and not waste any time. I have a lot of hope. Now, if I could only find the TIME to sit and make a schedule that I can attempt to follow... ;)
Flylady says to start one thing at a time. She says to clean out your car and purse on Fridays. You could do the car at your grandma's after co-op (you can even vacuum it there!). Ryan also started me in the habit of bringing everything inside from the car and making the kids as well. This is more hit and miss for us unfortunately, but when I enforce it, it works.
I also like to grab a grocery sack on the way to a far away place (like Grandma Pat's) while Ryan is driving. I just load it up with trash on the way there. It works for me as long as I remember to do it!
I also make sure to run the dishwasher every night before I go to bed and then unload it while my water is heating up in the kettle and my bread is toasting the next morning. Sometimes I even set the timer to go faster. Every night I also lay out mine and Emma's clothes for the next day. It's not a huge difference, just one less thing to think about. Those things have really helped me in the last several years!
I am James McDermott. My wife Cindy and I have been blessed by God with 13 children. We also homeschool and above all, we are Christians. We recently started a website called Christian family meeting place (www.christianfamilymeetingplace.com). Many who hold our views are isolated and are looking for online fellowship, personal fellowship, churches, and even spouses. I am inviting you to register. It is free. If you're not interested, that is perfectly fine. May God bless you in all you do for Him. - In the Vine, Jim for Cindy and the rest
P.S. We also publish SALT Magazine. If you would like to check us out go to www.saltmagazine.com
Amber, I think you are amazing just the way you are, but to think you are always on the lookout for more ways to be efficient, man you inspire me! Love you daughter! Thank you for raising our grandchildren in such a Godly way.
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