Parents, determine to make your children obey you, though it many cost you much trouble, and cost them may tears. Let there be no questioning, and reasoning, and disputing, and delaying, and answering again… Obedience is the only reality. It is faith visible, faith... acting, and faith incarnate. It is the test of real discipleship among the Lord’s people. “Ye are My friends if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). It ought to be the mark of well-trained children, that they do whatsoever their parents command them… It is said of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, that when “He was young He was subject to Mary and Joseph” (Luke 2:51)… Children cannot learn too soon that this is a world in which we are not all intended to rule, and that we are never in our right place until we know how to obey our betters… You must not wonder that men refuse to obey their Father which is in heaven, if you allow them, when children, to disobey their father who is upon earth.” J.C. Ryle
Amber, that is very convicting to me. I wish you had been my best friend when I was raising my kids! I sure would have been asking you questions and support! You and Derrick are awesome parents and do such a good job. Love my grandkids and know that your parenting has a lot to do with loving to be around them and their good manners!
Aww... Thank you for your neverending encouragement that is SO greatly needed! Love u
You are too sweet, Grandma!
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