Valentine morning Derrick gave me a sweet coffee mug that said, "Mrs." on it. In the inner rim it had a Song of Solomon verse saying, "The one my heart loves." I had the idea for the kids to decorate the house and "serve" us a Valentine dinner. I had heard of others doing that and Mia has even cooked for Ryan and Dana and given them a date night at home. They enjoyed decorating the house with balloons, streamers, and some Smarties Conversation Hearts scattered on the table (which Livi went around the table trying to eat as many as she could). They watched Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I got Derrick's favorite mexican takeout, Cranberry tea from Sonic, and they served us puppy chow and some yummy Ben and Jerry's ice cream for dessert. Derrick and Bailey went to the store when he got home and brought a whole bunch of flowers home for all of us girls. The kids enjoyed the treats and ice cream and had eaten pizza before Derrick got home. The kids woke to a surprise of special Valentine Puppy Chow that morning.

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