Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Couple of Quotes on Raising Children

In Family Worship, Donald Whitney writes, "Having your family in a good, Bible-teaching local church is crucial to Christian parenting. But this is not enough for conveying to your children all you want to teach them about God and your beliefs. Moreover, it is unlikely that exposure to the church once or twice a week will impress your children enough with the greatness and glory of God that they will want to pursue Him once they leave home. This is why family worship is so important. But even more importantly, God deserves to be worshipped daily in our homes by our families."

In Shepherding a Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp says, "I've often been asked whether I thought my children would be Christians. Parents desperately seek some promise from the Bible that their children will have faith. I don't believe that promise is found in the Word of God. I have been asked, 'Don't you think that if you raise your children the right way, God has promised to save them?' If such a promise existed, it wouldn't comfort me. I haven't raised them well enough. Looking over their lives, I want to join the ranks of parents who would like to do it over again. I am keenly aware of shortcomings and limitations."

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