Early in our marriage Derrick and I read the book called, "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Derrick doesn't put a lot of stock in it now but I remember that Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation were how he best received love. As for me Quality Time and Physical Touch are equally the most important. Not growing up with a lot of physical affection, though I was loved greatly in other ways by some of my family, contributed to me not being very affectionate. Add to that the pain of life, along with not doing relationships God's way (I didn't become a believer until the age of 21), you wouldn't be able to tell that is one of my top "love languages." My mom has even been known to call me "stoic." But it is. I feel so loved when given physical affection and that is when my cup runneth over. I am affectionate with my children but I struggle feeling comfortable giving physical affection to adults. I am usually not the one to initiate hugs unless it is with someone who consistently offers them to me. So this month I endeavor to initiate more hugs and to initiate being close with Derrick on a more consistent basis than normal and to be intentional. I also endeavor to be more intentional about my "Acts of Service" to Derrick. One more thing- When I read "The Love Dare" and implemented the very first dare, I was amazed at the bliss it brought to our marriage. So, for this month (it should be forever), I commit to not saying anything negative to or about my spouse. However, I will talk with the Lord about anything that comes up. My one consistent blog reader has permission to hold me accountable- you know who you are!
Happy (almost) August!
hahaha...and apparently the provider of your pictures, too! :)
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