This is an ultrasound picture at 10 weeks! So cute!!! I was relieved to get to see the baby and hear a strong heartbeat of 173 because I have had a miscarriage at 7 weeks (before Livi, our 4th baby). I am 11 weeks now and so thankful to be heading into the 2nd Trimester soon.
It hasn't been easy to be for sure. I always brace myself after I see those two lines for what is quickly to follow: the terrible moodiness, nausea (so thankful this never includes vomiting), the burning, empty stomach, the relentless tiredness, and the food aversions. I can't eat certain things that I regularly love like my sausage or bacon and eggs and coffee with cream and Truvia. Coffee!! I can't drink coffee right now. What?! I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've had that aversion. At first I thought I just couldn't bare to make it but I discovered I couldn't even drink it when Derrick would make it. I also have a heightened sense of smell. I have a lot of fun trying to hit my goal of 10,000 steps on my Fitbit normally but now, on a good day, I only hit 6,000. I've had too many days of sadly hitting between 3,000-4,000! 😯 Normally I like to have the dishes done and wake up to a clean sink every morning but I can't keep up so the sink has stayed full as I fight to tame it. Derrick went out of town and I have been doing easy things and cooking a lot less so I'm almost caught up! The kids do many of the other chores but I tend to like to manage the dishes myself. I have my precious dishes that I don't want to see broken plus the kids use a lot of paper plates. The laundry continues to nip at my heels but the older kids are doing theirs. I just need to get better at making sure they get it put away and, honestly, the girls are dealing with too many and I need to find the energy to go through them and give some away that aren't working/fitting any more. I've had some rough days but usually start to feel better at 12 weeks. I've actually had a pretty productive day today and felt almost semi-normal so I'm hoping by next week I will feel more like myself and be able to function better. This pregnancy hasn't really seemed harder (I'm getting older) but I have slept a lot more than ever! I think in that respect I've actually had less nausea than I remember experiencing before. So I would say the pregnancy feels "different." It's hard to describe really.

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