I just got the Blogger app installed on my phone and hopefully it will help me to post more! I am getting close! Sometimes it feels far to still have 10-11 weeks left but it is actually flying as the summer ALWAYS does! Such a crazy time to have the baby RIGHT when the school year starts. 😮 We are planning to go to Padre Island 🌴 in a couple of weeks! The kids are super excited. As for the pregnancy, they drew blood the other day and had to go to another arm because they didn’t get it. I hate it when that happens but at least they didn’t have to do it again and dig in where they had already been like a few times in the past (not this pregnancy). I passed my glucose test (I always have) but am slightly anemic. I am 10.9 but should be 11.5. Not bad though. In the past I have been much lower and definitely “felt” it. I didn’t feel it this time. The babe is 3 lbs. Here is a pic:
If the baby is a boy, he will be Augustine Elijah. If the baby is a girl, Willa Noel (asking Derrick about adding Elizabeth too, not because it’s my middle name but I think it’s pretty and a Bible name). The little boys are so cute, often hugging and kissing the baby. Noah is overjoyed that he will be a big brother! I have another dr appointment and then will be down to weekly appointments.
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