I was talking to someone yesterday about how frustrating it is to walk away from conversations where we've stuck our foot in our mouth. I said, "I know! I wish I could just wear a muzzle all the time!" Much of the time when I'm walking away from the kid's bedrooms at naptime or bedtime, they yell, "Momma, eat me!" We play this game where I have to eat their eyes so they can't see anything when they are supposed to be sleeping, eat their nose so they can't smell anything that would wake them up, eat their mouths so they won't talk while they're supposed to be sleeping, eat their ears so they won't hear anything that will wake them up... at the end of this I "zip" their mouths closed to insure they won't talk. Maybe I should do this to myself before I go anywhere! I so desire to be a gentle and quiet spirit and to teach Samantha. She says the verse, "A gentle and quiet spirit is precious in the sight of the Lord." I am teaching her Proverbs 31:10-31 and Derrick is teaching Bay Proverbs 3.
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