Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bay & Sam's prayer

We had a rough time this afternoon, okay, I had a rough time this afternoon and was not exactly very joyful. I couldn't shake it but, thankfully, Derrick rounded Bay & Sam up to pray with us. He asked each of us what we wanted to pray about. Samantha said, "Umm...going to the store." Bailey said, "For God making us." So Samantha prayed and thanked God that we would go to Sam's. Then Bailey's prayer, "Thank you for making us and thank you that you will give us a baby brother and thank you that Isabella will grow up bigger so I can play with her. Amen." And, yes, Lord, thank you for giving us children that melt our hearts.
Oh, and about the baby brother, he's been praying for that since before Isabella came along! She was only a couple of months old when he stated that God gave us the wrong baby! That was a surprise to me who quickly explained that, no, God gave us the right baby and he doesn't make mistakes! ;)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey Amber! I followed your comment to your blog and boy do I have a lot of catching up to do! I have been reading all the stuff I missed - you are so good at updating your blog frequently! I'll add you to my blog roll so I remember to check it out more often.

Anyway, thanks for the comment on my blog, but mostly thanks for being a little "wink" from God in my life last week. ;)