We had a great Wednesday! I will be putting pictures of it on here soon. We are going out of town this weekend to stay in a military hotel. I am interested to see how different they are! Derrick has a class in Kansas and we are going to go see G-ma Joy & G-pa Glen while we are there. It is always a lot of fun visiting with them! They are sweet and she is a great cook and even pulls out her prettiest china most of the time! I thought it was so great when she let us eat on it! Most people keep it locked up! It made me feel fancy! Then we will come back for Mia's birthday party Saturday. Well, today was a really fun day for the kids. You always know they're having a great time when they out of nowhere say, "I love you, mom!" like Sam did today. I love that when you know their hearts are brimming with joy. It started with gymnastics. The kids got trophys today and Samantha will be moving up to Bay's class now. That was exciting for them. Last time they got medals. This is their first trophy. Then we went to Chik-Fil-A with Gigi & they played, had ice cream cones, & got balloons. Then, the kids & I went to LaFortune to do school. We have a light day of school every 6 days where we are supposed to just enjoy God's creation, read a book, and do a light activity. I love LaFortune. Derrick and I used to go walking (really he would run circles around me and I would walk, jog, or push a stroller) when we used to live closer. What he would give to live right by it but the houses around there run pretty high! It is the place he proposed to me and the place I told him that baby Sam (boy or girl the baby would be named that!) was on the way! Okay, okay, back to Wednesday...So we read some Bible verses about God sending quail to the Israelites (birds are our unit study right now) and Gertrude McFuzz (and how she was complaining about the way she was made and how she learned to be content with how God made her). Then we fed the geese, ducks, and birds. Then we got slushies from Sonic and played at the playground. Aunt Kay Kay met us up there and that was fun! Then later Gigi and Papa came over to look at our garden's and give g-pa's expert advice. He really learned a lot from his mama, Greatmother. She is amazing at 97 and has the prettiest flower gardens and is an awesome cook. She has taught me age is really relative.
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