Poor Mary (this is the dog we,okay, I lost after having for 30 minutes!) Well, here is an update. After a crazy 10 days of posting signs, reposting signs because the rain storms either tore them up or blew them down (the 3rd time I posted them I had them laminated), going to the pound a couple of times, calling pounds and agencies, checking online at all the rescue places we listed her on, going door to door, driving around, more driving around, yet again, more driving around, talking to people, more talking to people, yet again, more talking to people (especially children that are constantly outside), praying, more praying, yet again, more praying... you get the picture. The night before last the doorbell rang at about 9:30. This is unusual so I said, "Maybe it's M-A-R-Y!" (So, the kids wouldn't be let down if it wasn't). Derrick went and answered the door and Bay and I had been reading the bible on my bed so we stayed put. I heard a little girl say, "We found your dog!" My feet hit the floor! Bailey came running too. I called Samantha out of bed and she came running! It was SO exciting! After 10 days, we were beginning to think we'd never see her again! It was her! I wanted to give the 3 kids standing at our door a million dollars! I hugged the girl! She told us that she found her in her garage and she thinks she was eating the dog food in there. Mary looked pretty rough for Mary who is a beautiful dog. Probably one of the first things I noticed was she had chewed through her leash! She had monstrous, grandaddy ticks (as Ryan and I used to call them) all over her and she looked skinny. It was pretty obvious that her leash had gotten caught on something in the field she had run into. She had to chew it off. Now we know that she was out in all those thunderstorms that we had worried about her being in and we had a few good ones too! Atleast she had water! She was happy to see us! We fed her and gave her water. The kids were happy and she followed them around. It was bittersweet too though because we, along with her original owners, decided for her to go back home with them (this was only a trial to see if she would work out well with our family anyway). They are the sweetest family and missed her like crazy through this whole mess! So, they came and got her. She was extremely happy to see them and whined as if she was trying to tell the story of what had happened to her. We were all so happy that our prayers were answered and I am just so thankful! I still have to stop myself from looking for her every time I drive somewhere! Mary has changed my heart about being against adding a dog to our family at this time! So, we are just praying for the right puppy to be an addition to our family for Bay's birthday. Shh, don't tell Bay like Aunt Juanita tried to! Ha! Ha! She said, "So I hear you're getting a dog for your birthday!" I think Bay kind of looked at her funny! I will put pictures on of the kids with Mary soon!
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