Thursday, June 12, 2008

A wild day!

To all who want to keep up with the dog situation...
So, we had a dog for approximately 30 minutes today. Today has been wild! Well, if I wasn't holding a baby and didn't have a toddler at my feet I could have caught this cute little rat terrier! Here are just some highlights of the day: After I ran inside and put the baby in the exersaucer I still had Samantha running by my side as I tried to catch this dog running down the street. As you know, Samantha can't keep anything around her tiny waist and her skirt kept falling down to her feet and she kept crying and I kept saying, "C'mon!" as I leaned down to pull her skirt up and scoot her along with me. I was right by the dog but one more time I was helping her get her skirt up when the dog just disappeared out of sight! I couldn't keep going because the baby was in the house and I couldn't just let the house out of sight! My mom came back with all this stuff she had bought for the dog and saw me walking empty-handed down the street back toward the house (Sorry mom and thanks for taking care of the kids!). So, after much searching through a field with grass almost taller than my head (with the help of my friends son, thank you!), lots of driving around, posting signs, and finally the grand finale of meeting a neighbor in a most unusual way. I thought I saw a dog jumping in the field of cows that the dog had originally disappeared in. So, I called my neighbor and friend once again (thank you, thank you, thank you!) and she came to watch the kids in the car while I pursued this dog in the field. My neighbor was watching and came over. He assured me that it was okay to go in the barbwired fence because he was a lawyer and he said it was worse to have your property (dog) on their property than to be on it getting it. So, through the barbwire I went and then he said he'd go. So, he went under the barbwire (which was not the easiest thing to do) and ran to "the dog" that was actually two dogs that were not "the dog". Then the big herd of cows began to chase him and my heart began to fall that it was all for nothing! He was so scared he said he almost chunked the dog food which I had given him in a cup to lure the dog (thanks for the tip, Dana!) ;) When I came back my friend, he, & I laughed about the cows being after him and I finally I introduced myself. Embarrassing...embarrassing...embarrassing!

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