Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Book (for adults this time)

Derrick got in from Kentucky last night. He took a short summer course. I thought about taking the kids and going with him but decided not to take the 10 hour drive with him. I wasn't sure if we'd get much time with him between being in class and doing homework so thought it would be best if we stayed here. It turns out Derrick thought Kentucky was fabulous and there was free time for him as well as lots of fun free stuff the kids and I could have done when he was in class. Rats! We will remember that next time. He brought back some really good kids books, a Greek t-shirt for me, and a book for me called,"Don't Make Me Count to Three!" A Mom's look at heart-oriented discipline. It is hilarious so far (I'm only to Chapter 2)! But, the best part about it is that it gives biblical and practical advice on how to reach your children's hearts rather than just dealing with their outward behavior. It is not going to take me long to get through this book. Something she said made me feel so much better or like I'm not the only one, ya know? She was describing her life before kids and said, "...I never found the milk in the pantry, and I never experienced the sheer panic of trying to remember whom I was calling before the voice at the other end said, "Hello?" Yesterday, I placed an order by phone. When the sales lady asked me for my address, I had to put her on hold. I absolutely could not recall my own address. It did finally come to me as I was reaching for the phone book to look it up." If you know me, it will not surprise you to know that I sometimes do that with the phone but I have yet to forget my address. I thought I was the only one that did stuff like that so it made me feel better to know someone who is actually "solid" does stuff like that too. ;) Adding Livi's birthday to my brain was a little bit challenging (more numbers to remember now) and it sometimes takes a minute for me to think of the correct birthday for a child at the doctor's office. She also told of an experience she had while she was in the process of writing the book. She said, "Recently, I actually waited in line at the bank drive-through, pulled up to the window, and stared blankly at the teller as I said, 'I have no idea why I'm here. I'm supposed to be going to the post office.' She looked very concerned as I drove off." There is something she shared that made me laugh the most but it is too embarrassing for me to even write it. Anyway, I strongly recommend it. Tedd Tripp (author of my favorite parenting book, Sheperding a Child's Heart) endorses it.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to get this book. I'm a mother and I teach school and sometimes feel like my brain left when I had my son 2+ years ago. I've read very few parenting books because (a) they were either to serious or heavy (i.e. if you're not careful you'll damage your child for life) or (b) they made me feel guilty (no thanks - I don't need any help in that department). I needs something practical that doesn't drag me down and this sounds perfect.

Dana said...

I'm surprised you haven't already heard of it. Deanna recommended it a long time ago and I never read it. The church carries a calendar or something like that in the bookstore based on the book. Maybe I'll try to find it too!