Tuesday, October 20, 2015

House Schedule 2015-2016

I have taken invaluable ideas for prayer from, A Word-Filled Family by Dr. John S. Barnett and home management ideas from, Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman.


Monday- Prayers for missionaries, pastor...

Tuesday- Prayers for family needs

Wednesday- Prayers for forgiveness and reconciliation

Thursday- Prayers for victory  (Staying pure, not getting bitter in trials)

Friday- Prayers of reflection (Examine whether or not we are giving Him first place in our lives

Saturday- Prayers of praise and preparation for Sunday

Home Management Schedule

Every day- Kitchen clean up
                   One load of laundry (or
                   every other day)

Goals: Morning walk every morning  (weather permitting) Read-alouds when staying indoors.
Bible reading
Empty kitchen sink every night before bed


Monday- Laundry Day, Sam's Laundry (Bella and Liv's too)

Tuesday- Clean/Vacuum Floors, little boy's laundry

Wednesday- Office Day/bathrooms
E-mail business, write thank you cards, dr/dentist appointments, make needed calls..., Bailey's Laundry Day

Evening Bible Study

Thursday- Kitchen Day

Friday- Town Day

Saturday- Cleaning Day

Make a menu plan

Clean out car/sometimes wash


Consign clothes and drop off "giveaway" bags

Chore Sticks: The kids can pick a popsicle stick with chores written on them. Such as: wipe baseboards, organize movies or books, clean windows, help weed garden, organize school drawer, Draw Again (Just for fun),  "Ask mom" (this one is for something mom sees that needs to be done but is not written on a chore stick.) This idea came from Tonya Ferguson @

Sunday- Church/Rest
If not done, write Bailey's lesson plans. Look over Livi's.

School Schedule

I wake- 6:45 or before (Feed baby 6:30)
Kid's wake-7:45
Morning chores/breakfast/personal Bible
9:00-Morning walk/pledge/Bible
10:15- Livi- Kindergarten with mom (Cameron alongside)
Bella- Independent schoolwork
Samantha- Co-op work
Bailey- Switched on Schoolhouse
Noah- nurse/eat and morning nap
11:30- Bella-Math/Spelling test ( some days) with mom and corrections
Liv- "Livi Time"
Cameron- "Livi Time"
12:00- If done with Bella and Sam is done with co-op work- math with Sam
12:30- Lunch/Bella done
1:00- Clean up
1:15- Cameron, Livi, and Bella- "Bella Time"
Sam- piano/violin. Then Switched on Schoolhouse.
Bailey- Co-op work
Around 2- Nurse/feed Noah
2:30 or so- Math with Bailey
3:00 or so- Math with Sam if not earlier
4:00- Quiet Time
4:30 Cook dinner
5:00-6:00- Finish dinner/Kid's Chores/Mom-Cleaning focus of the day
6:00- Dinner with Dad
6:45- Dinner clean up
7:15- Read with Cam and Liv
7:30- Cameron and Liv bed
8:30- Sam, Bell, Bay- Book Time

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