Friday, February 19, 2016

Morning Time= Lifelong Precious Memories

Caroline, from, recounted "Morning Time" growing up homeschooled as a precious time with cherished memories, while she couldn't recall many memories of her book work completed. She wrote a blog post describing her own with her six children. It is almost exactly how I would describe ours! And she also usually puts the baby down for a morning nap and has everyone else sit still. She said, "I try to keep morning time to 1.5 hours at the most. Sometimes we spend an hour. It just depends on how much time I want to devote to it that day. I have a hard time stopping some days as we all enjoy it so much! Other days it’s been chaotic (because morning time is not always perfect!) and so we move on rather quickly." She went on to talk about when the morning falls apart. She described, "No morning time is perfect. There are days when the children are full of giggles, or they are not getting along. There are times when I’m so tired I can barely stay awake while I’m trying to read."

Yep, there are days we have to work on character or relationship!

I know it is building such sweet moments and memories for me and I hope that my children will one day look back on it in the same way. It is a time we spend going to the same places together, laughing, going back in time, or some other myriad of emotions stirred from different books we've chosen (Little Britches, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Elsie Dinsmore are some recent ones). Most importantly opening God's word, being captivated in the Old Testament, amazed by grace in the New. We have been reading a Proverb of the day (whatever day of the month it is) for several months as well as chronologically going through the Bible. In the winter, I feel like we get to cozy up on the couch and read a lot of books and, yet, don't get much needed exercise, sunshine, and outdoor time so much. When the weather is lovely or warm out, we spend a good deal of time on morning walks, taking in more sunshine, feeling energized, for me- losing more of the straggling baby weight left from having Noah (and truthfully a little still tacked on from the other babes), getting exercise and, yet, not reading wonderful books on top of our Bible time because we need more time for the aforementioned. I finally decided to reconcile myself with the fact that we have good in different seasons but just a different good and accept it. Then hubby said, "Hey! The kids need some p.e." and could we fit it in asap? So, I'm working on it. I had them do some push ups and sit ups (don't ask how I fared on my push ups- okay push up-) the other day before our morning time and we went around the block. It was very nice and Derrick was off and able to go with us. What will I do on the cold days though? Yeah, I'm looking forward to spring but, at the same time, not the loss of our wonderful read-alouds.

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