Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cubbie Samantha and Sparkie Bailey

Bailey has moved up to Sparks in Awana and Samantha is a Cubbie now! She is especially excited! Sam was so excited the first night that they let her keep her paper name tag! She has faithfully saved cookies for Bay because Cubbie's get Cubbie cookies!

Here is Isabella in Bailey's old Cubbie vest.


On Fridays the kids have a co-op class up at the church. This is what Isabella does in her class when she is not playing. The ladies LOVE to snuggle with her and rock her. She is getting much better with her separation anxiety! She used to cry anytime anyone even thought about grabbing her from me. Jaared's girlfriend, Stephanie took her and held her for a long time and we couldn't believe she let her a couple of weeks ago! It was amazing! Also, Isabella went to the dr. again and has gained 5 ozs! She actually has cheeks now and some rolls on her legs! The rat is what one of the boys brought for show and tell in Bay's class. This boy keeps us entertained with many critters!

Papa Rick turned 33!

We will celebrate on Sunday! Here are the mischeivous little critters that like to tromp through his flower garden!

Our tea party

This was my costume. I was a bird! They ate every crumb!

This rabbit said the blessing.

We had a lot of guests! They brought a bunch of stuffed animals!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Spider lily

This may very well be my new favorite flower! The picture does not do it justice! Earlier in the year my great grandma gave me a spider lily bulb and I planted it in my flower garden. I had long forgotten about it when I opened my front door the other morning and saw these very tall and unique flowers that sprang up over night! I yelled for the kids to come. Bailey said, "It looks like a spider!" Suddenly I remembered the spider lily bulb. I have never seen a flower like this before in my life! Dana and I thought this was kind of crazy but Derrick went over to their house and she wanted to show him a strange looking flower that they had found in their garden. She showed him and he told her we had the exact same one sitting at home on our table too! Dana has never seen one before either! My great grandma tells me they bloom again in the spring!

Bible Times Costumes

This was a lot of fun! Thank you G-ma Barb for the material for their "tunics" and "cloaks"! Their cloaks were made from wall paper samples!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wet Rats

The picture of Samantha with the hood on reminds me of the pet in the Dr.Seuss book where it said something like, "I bet you've never seen a pet get as wet as they let this wet pet get."

Bailey and Samantha had a lot of fun playing in the rain tonight. Isabella had fun watching them I tried to get a picture of her saying,"cat" and "dog"! It is so cute!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Luke 17:3-10

I love it when I read certain passages in the Bible that I've read or heard many times before and I still learn something new! I was just reading in Luke and something struck me.

"If your brother sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, 'I repent,' you shall forgive him." And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." So the Lord said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,' and it would obey you. And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field,'Come at once and sit down to eat'? But will he not rather say to him, 'Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink'? Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not. So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.'"

John MacArthur comments, " 'Increase our faith.' Lit. Give us more faith. They felt inadequate in the face of the high standard He set for them."
"The point of this parable was that a servant should expect no special reward for doing what was his duty in the first place. The demanding standards Christ set may have seemed too high to the disciples, but they represented only the minimal duties for a servant of Christ. Those who obey are not to think their obedience is meritorious."

I know sometimes I am so proud of myself if I was longsuffering or patient... It just occurred to me that maybe I should not be so proud that I accomplished what is my duty. I hope that makes since!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Derrick's breakfast parfait

One morning Derrick made breakfast for us and it was really good! Now we make it all the time! He made it with yogurt (Rachel's yogurt from Target is really good! Interesting flavors like Vanilla Chai), Grapenuts (we get a huge box from Sam's), tricolor grapes (black, red, and green from Sam's also), and strawberries. Sometimes I put the jam (see the blog one below) in it. I know it would be really good with blueberries, blackberries, any fresh fruit.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Making Jam

Bay and Sam are really good jam makers! All I have to do is make sure their hands are clean, the strawberries are clean, and pull the stems off. They do the rest! Bella just crawled around and looked cute.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bay's "show and tell" for dad

We went on a walk to find some sticks for a project we were doing when we found a cicada or locust or whatever it is (I need to research it, I guess!). I thought it was dead so I tried to roll it over with my foot so we could look at it. It made a very loud noise and scared us and we realized it was only injured on a wing. Bay wanted to take it home so we did. He named it Aintso and said he wanted to have it for a "show and tell" for dad. He has given it a home with dirt, grass, and sticks in a vase until Derrick gets home. After school the kids helped me wash the car and they watered Derrick's babies (the trees). I had forgotten when we were watering that it is probably going to rain though! We had a lot of fun!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

My mom grilled some steaks and made a few of her famous pies! They are the best pies ever with meringue! Even Isabella nibbled on some steak! She loved it! I forgot to give a report on her! She gained over a pound in two weeks so that is really good! The doctor wanted to see her back in a month. She is still 0.57 percent under the 1st percentile!

Slippin' & slidin" at Papa Rick's

Bella is a water baby and loved it!

Here is Bay with a really big worm!