Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet Liv

Liv is so sweet! She is a big "mama's girl" and lets you know it if you try to take her from me. She takes her long, skinny arms, reaches for me and wimpers. Unless you have food and she may be persuaded to go to you but just for a bit. She imitates a lot of things right now and it is so much fun. She recently learned how to click her tongue. She loves to eat and has a hearty appetite. She is too cute when she sucks her thumb. ;)

1 comment:

Dana said...

Wow- I hadn't noticed that her looks have really changed. She looks like a cross between the girls and Bailey now! Her eyes have a different shape to them than when we first left (at least I hadn't noticed it then.) You can cancel the call to the hospital- I don't think she was switched at birth anymore. :)