Sunday, November 27, 2016

Less is More

This struck me:

"The words rolled off my tongue with ease. It wasn't the first time I'd said them, and it wouldn't be the last. They were on repeat, one of a bevy of phrases I often used to carry my fears and plop them in my husband's lap when I was feeling particularly anxious. As I spoke this time, he just looked at me with sad eyes … silent. When he finally spoke, his words resonated deeply, 'Maybe our life is more about how we spend, than what we store.'"

How I do want our lives in this home and family we've built (the Lord has blessed us with) to be about how we spend it together rather than what we store here. It is a constant thing to give away things (I have give away bags going out frequently) so that we can spend more time with each other than cleaning and organizing all the stuff. It is my hope that we get even better at having less to manage and more time to enjoy each other. I also hope we can free up more and more time to be a blessing to others.

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