Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our cat has strong bones!

Yesterday morning we went up to my mother-in-law's elementary school to see a live cow demonstration before we headed on to gymnastics! They milked the cow right there on the spot! Pretty neat! The students dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls so I decked Samantha and Bailey in their cowboy boots and Bailey even had a cowboy hat and a carry along horse! I wish I had pictures. The good news is my camera is being repaired! Well, the man had talked to the children about how milk makes their bones strong. So, what did I see this morning? Bailey giving our cat his left over milk from his cereal bowl. At first I thought it was just random. Then he grabbed Job's elbow and said, "Mom, look! His bones are strong!" Bailey is so concerned with what foods will make him strong. "Does this salad make me strong?" Yes. "Do cookies make us strong?" No.

The cousins came over today and we are always thrilled about that. I did manage to get pictures of all 6 of the kids gathered around the table eating their lunch today from my phone. So, as soon as Derrick helps me set it up (I tried but had some administrative issues) to put pictures onto the computer I can put some recent pictures on.

Good news on Papa Rick today! Yay! Our prayers were answered and he got to keep his kidney and spleen and they got all the cancer.

Bella has her weight check tomorrow and we are hoping that she has gained enough that she won't have to have her diet monitored closely in the hospital (she's just little- I'm not worried about her!)

1 comment:

Linda said...

BTW-Really enjoying the music. I pull up your blog at work and can listen to it from the computer. Love, Mom